Hungry for knowledge?
Join us at the Fall Food Show. Live and in-person!
11.01.2022 • 9AM – 3PM
DECC • 350 Harbor Drive • Duluth, MN 55802
Attend our seminar!
Keys to Recruiting and Keeping Employees
with Taylor Gawlik RD, LD, CD
10-11 AM in Gooseberry Falls Room 3
Where did all the workers go? How do I get new employees in the door? How do I keep my current employees happy? With the continued labor shortage, it’s extremely important to recruit, maintain, and motivate your employees. Don’t let these questions keep you up at night, we will provide ideas and discussion on how to recruit and retain employees for your organization.
One continuing education credit can be earned for registered dietitians, certified dietary managers, and nursing home administrators.